This website showcases various assignments I’ve completed over the course of the Spring 2019 academic semester as a part of the course Math-225, “Data Visualization.” I’m majoring in economics and minoring in mathematics so I’m hoping to utilize these skills in the future to display economic data in a clear and concise manner.

For my final project I am looking at data on most common causes of death in America. The Data is broken down by state, year, and cause of death, which allows me look at trends both over time and over different entities. I am making a exploratory shiny application with two main functions. The first is that it will display a bar chart of the leading causes of death in 2016 using the age-adjusted death rate. It will allow users to select different states and look at the corresponding bar chart. The second function will display a choropleth where the color of each state represents the age-adjusted death rate for suicide and users will be able to pick a given year between 1999 and 2016.

You can find my final project here: